Towards a Political Analysis of Housing Estates
A sociotechnical analysis on the transformation of Corviale Housing Estate

2023, Sciences Po Paris

This research project opens the way to alternative modes of governing the transformation of housing estates by tracing what factors influence the decision-making within such estates. The study focuses on a single case, the Corviale housing estate located in the southwest suburbs of Rome. The study challenges the approach to Corviale as a homogeneous structure, often found in academic studies, and proposes a way of approaching Corviale as a container of multiple practices and actors. By studying how the different physical features of Corviale interfered with matters of policy changes, the study seeks to shed light on the extensive range of unexpected effects that the different physical features of housing estates may have on their own governance process. These observations suggest new possibilities in the governance of the transformation process of the different parts of the building that could eventually provide practitioners and policymakers with new tools for envisioning and framing the transformation of housing estates.

Section of Corviale, South West perspective.  June 2022. R Calzado

Serpentone, South West facade. 
June 2022. R Calzado

Community rooms at Corviale.  June 2022. R Calzado

Public service towers at Corviale. June 2022. R Calzado

Study on the influence of the heating system in the governance process of Corviale. 2023 R.Calzado

Example of the taxonomy methodology applied for the case of Corviale2023. R Calzado

background images: Roma Corviale. R Calzado 2023