Currently at.

Ph.D. Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées. Ecole Doctorale VTT (Villes Transports et Territoires).  Research Lab. LATTS.

Film making with DOCAR

Teaching at ENSA Paris Est


Professional practice in the field of architecture and urban design

2024 l’AUC - Paris

2023 Cità Corviale Lab - Rome

2022 FNAU - French network of urban planning agencies - Paris

2021 ACLAA - Paris

2020 MVRDV - Rotterdam

2018 Tsukamoto Lab - Tokyo

2017 TRANSyT - Transport Research Center at the Technical University of Madrid

2016 Ezquiaga, arquitectura, sociedad y territorio - Madrid

2015 - MQ architecture - New York


2024. European Journal of Spatial Development.  Vol. 21 No. 1 (2024): SPECIAL ISSUE . Funding the social transformation of housing estates. Calzado. R 

2024 AESOP Conference Publications.  Reframing sustainable transformation of social housing Insights from France and Italy. Calzado, R. Rotondo, F.

2024 E FLUX. A Political Taxonomy of Corviale. R Calzado 

2022 Contesti. Città, territori, progetti, Governing Corviale The transformation of housing estates into healthier living spaces. Calzado, R.

2022 Partenariat Français pour la Ville et les Territoires and The French National Federation of Urban Planning Agencie. Comparative Analysis on Urban Agendas. Calzado, R. Duret, A. Pechoux, G. Petiot, A. 

2021 Critic|all, In between a nomadic and a sedentary practice. Arbara, S. Calzado, R. 2021, In between a nomadic and a sedentary practice, Critic|all (22-27)

2020 Atlantis Magazine TU DELFT Local Realities 30.3. SPACES IN MOTION Hybrid collectivities for a nomadic practice
Arbara, S. Calzado, R. Lecea, L.

2019, Informe del Observatorio de la Movilidad Metropolitana,  Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica.  Romero, C, Monzón, A, López García de Leániz, C and Calzado, R. 

Peer reviewer.

2023. Urban Planning - Open Access Journal ISSN: 2183-7635
Conferences and round tables.

2024, October. Image de Ville. Marseille. Chamber of architects. Round table: Architects and filmmakers, what type of alliances?

2024, October. Lina Annual Conference in Sarajevo. Theme: Transmitting the city and modern anomalies.

2024, July. AESOP Conference. Presentation of the research project ‘Reframing sustainable transformation of social housing Insights from France and Italy’, together with PhD. Federica Rotondo.

2024, July. Chair at the AESOP Conference held in Paris. Track 12. Futuring and planning. 

2024, May. MUCEM Marseille. FOCUS. Presentation of film project in the documentary track. 

2024, April. Lectures on Framing Renovation. Faculty of Architecture UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Organised by Lina Community and E Flux

2023, December, Séminaire de recherche ENSAPLV  « Révéler des territoires - Exploration et production de savoirs ».  At the Villette School of Architecture with a response to the conference by Djamel Klouche.

2023, September. 6th Vienna International Summer School on New Social Housing. A Political Anatomy of Housing Estates. Organised by the research center of New Social Housing, coorganised with the TU WIEN, and the University of Applied Arts Vienna

2023, June. ARQ Guadalajara. Gobernando la utopía en las afueras de Roma. Imparte: Mtra. Rocío Calzado

2023, March. Roma Tre. Dialoghi sull'abitare a cura di Milena Farina si svolgerà la conferenza di Rocio Calzado Lopez

2023, March. Intituto Svizzero di Roma. Architecture, Politics, and the Case of Corviale. Together with Professor Marco Cremaschi.  Organised by Roma Calling fellow Giorgio Azzariti

 2023, March. Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning in Rome. Recycling Utopia. The Role of Housing Estates in Europe’s Ecological Transition. Course by Viviana Andriola and Serena Muccitelli 

2022, September. European Housing Research Network. ENHR Barcelona 2022. Corviale according to its own logics. Invited by Zaida Muxi and Josep María Montaner

2022, June. UN-Habitat. 11th session of the World Urban Forum. Katowice.  Panel with members of the UN (Katja Schäfer) France Urbaine (Delphine BOURDIN ), Mannheim city hall (Peter Kurtz) Magdalena Piorun, and the EU commission (Thomas de Béthune). Comparative Analysis on Urban Agendas.
Organised by the FNAU and Sciences Po Paris.

2022, June. Architecture and Landscape. BAP! Biennale of Versailles 2022. Terroir vs Territory. Round table with Niklas Fanelsa, Louise Morin, Emeric Lambert and Simon Teyssou. Moderated by Rocio Calzado. ENSA Versailles
More info

2021 Camacol Colombia. Pannel shared  with the former minister of environment and housing of Colombia, Juan Lozano and the Vice President of Bancolombia, Luis Ignacio Gómez Moncada.

background images: Roma Corviale.
R Calzado 2023